Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Elissa : Primée à Hollywood

La chanteuse Libanaise Elissa vient de remporter le world music award 2005 pour la catégorie des meilleurs chanteurs du moyen-orient et de l'afrique du nord. Elissa a été primée grâce à son album "ahla donia".


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Elissa , you are the best, and you deserve the award, hopefully the new album and the Duo with Cheb Mami, will be a great success inchallah, we love you Elissa.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations The Best Lebanese Super Star Ever *ELISSA*, am sure that ur next album will b a BOMB

Always wishing u all the best,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Elissa, Ellisa, Ellisa, Ellisa you are the best of allllllllllll starzzzz in this unverise,

wish you the best on your new album,


Anonymous said...

cogradulations elissa
you are the shining star that everyone loves. I am really nost surprised you won this award. because a great person like you deserves even more.
I love you elisssaa

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from the heart our lovely queen ELISSA.. u r the best and u really deservied it..
wish u the very best luck in everything u do

ur fan forever..

Anonymous said...

wow elissa
you are the best and alwaus will be.
congradulations on the award. and you deserve much more.
I love you

Anonymous said...

hey elissa u r my best singer i love u to much and u seserves it so am zaher abdallah from u r far fans i wish for u to be a worldwide stars and i love u